Penalty notice details Your first name Required Last name Required Contact number Required Email Required Your address Required Postcode Lookup Penalty notice reference number Required Enter the reference number as shown on your penalty notice. This reference will appear at the top of your notice or at the bottom next to the words 'penalty notice'. What type of penalty have you received? Required Please select.. On road parking penalty Car park parking penalty Residential parking penalty Bus lane penalty Environmental Crime Charge (Littering, Dog Fouling, Fly Tippy or DOC) Smokefree penalty Vehicle registration as stated on the penalty notice Required Amount to pay Required Please enter the vehicle registration as stated on the penalty notice Required Please enter the amount you wish to pay Required Please do not use the £ sign. Vehicle registration as stated on the penalty notice Required Amount to pay Required Vehicle registration as stated on the penalty notice Required Amount to pay Required What is the offence on your penalty notice? Required Please select.. Not displaying a no-smoking sign in a smokefree premises or vehicle Smoking in a smokefree place or vehicle What is the date on the penalty notice? Required