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Carer Disregard

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Use this form to apply for a council tax disregard if you are a paid professional carer or unpaid carer or relative.

In order to qualify as a disregarded resident a care worker must satisfy either of the conditions set out in Part I or Part II of the Schedule to the Council Tax (Additional Provisions for Discount Disregards) Regulations 1992 (SI 1992 No. 552).

Under Part I a carer must be:

a)    Providing care or support (or both) through a connection with the Crown, a charity or local authority; and 
b)    employed for at least 24 hours per week; and
c)    paid no more than £44 per week; and
d)    resident where the care is given or in premises which have been provided for the better performance of the work.

Under Part II, a carer must be:

a)    providing care for a person who is entitled to one of the following state benefits:

    1) Attendance Allowance under Section 65 of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992
                2) The highest rate of the Care Component of a disability living allowance under section 72(4)(a) of that act.
                3)  An increase in the rate of disablement pension under Section 104 of that Act
                4) An increase in constant attendance allowance under article 14 Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme 1983; or Article 14(1)(b) of the Navel, Military and Air Forces ect. (Disablement and Death) Service Pension Order 1983.
                5) The standard or enhanced rate of the Daily Living Component of the Personal Independence Payment under Section 78(3) of the Welfare Reform Act 2012.

b)    resident in the same home as the person to whom care is being provided; and
c)    providing care for at least 35 hours per week on average; and
d)    not the spouse or partner of the person receiving care or, if the person receiving care is below 18 years of age, not their parent.


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