Records starting with S
- Section 106 agreements
- Section 251 reports
- Senior management tiers 1 to 3 structure charts
- Senior salaries 2012-2014
- Senior salaries 2013-2015
- Social housing asset data
- St Christopher Avenue (Penkhull) Conservation Area
- St Christopher Avenue Conservation Area
- Statement of accounts 2010-2011
- Statement of accounts 2011-2012
- Statement of accounts 2012-2013
- Statement of accounts 2013-2014
- Statement of accounts 2014-2015
- Statement of accounts 2015-2016
- Statement of accounts 2016/2017
- Statement of accounts 2017/2018
- Statement of accounts 2018/2019
- Statement of Accounts 2019/2020
- Statement of accounts 2020/2021
- Statement of accounts 2021-2022
- Statement of Accounts 2022-2023
- Statement of Accounts 2023-2024
- Stoke Town Conservation Area
- Stoke-on-Trent Admission Arrangements 2023 -2024 - Community and VC Schools
- Stoke-on-Trent parking statistics 2015-2016
- Stoke-on-Trent revised city plan 2001
- Stopping up of highway at Woodbank Street, Burslem
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Surveillance activities policies