Economic Development Strategy Engagement Questionnaire

Economic Development Strategy Engagement Questionnaire

Are you completing this form as a:

Developing a Wellbeing Economy

1a) What are your thoughts on the idea of developing a wellbeing economy for the city with a focus on sustainable, inclusive growth for everyone?

Our vision for the Economic Development Strategy

2a) How do you feel about our vision for becoming a city where businesses and communities flourish and residents can enjoy better work, higher wages and improved quality of life?

Supporting businesses to start up, grow, thrive and innovate

3a) Do you agree that we should prioritise enabling businesses to start up, grow, and create employment opportunities?

Making Stoke-on-Trent a more attractive destination for businesses, people and investors

4a) Do you agree that addressing crime, housing, transport and environmental improvements would attract more workers and businesses to the city?

Creating opportunities to boost employment, improve education and skills and ensure that people are ready for work

5a) How do you feel about our goal of reducing economic inactivity levels and boosting productivity to raise income levels and improve quality of life for residents?

Improving living standards and the quality of life, relative to national and regional  averages

6a) Do you agree that ‘Improving living standards and the quality of life’ for people who live and work in Stoke-on-Trent should be an important priority for the city?

Revitalising our high streets and town centres

7a) Do you support our ambition to reshape high streets and town centres into places that attract visitors and trade and instil pride in communities?

Developing economic infrastructure and social capital in our communities

8a) Do you support our aim to give local communities more say over how they can contribute to, and benefit from, economic growth?

Community wealth building

9a) Do you agree with our idea that more of Stoke-on-Trent’s economic wealth should come from, and stay within, our local communities?

Maximising the benefits from responsible procurement

10a) Do you support using the combined spending power of the City Council and its partners to benefit local communities?

Enabling and supporting green growth

11a) Do you support using renewable and low-carbon energy innovation to help to create environmentally sustainable economic growth?