Council Tax and Benefit services unavailable.

We're unable to process any changes to Council Tax & Benefits accounts while we carry out some essential changes. We’ll be back up and running by Monday 10th March. Thanks for your patience.

Report fraud

Staffordshire counter fraud partnership logo

If you believe someone is committing fraud, report your concerns here.

Please be aware that councils can no longer investigate benefit fraud

If you want to report suspected benefit fraud, including housing benefit, income support, disability and sickness benefits call the national fraud hotline on 0800 854 440.

If you believe someone is committing any other type of fraud such as the following examples:

- Housing Tenancy: Non-residency or sub-letting

- Council Tax: Claiming of a discount or exemption when not entitled

- Business Rates: A business/company avoiding payment

- Blue Badge: Use of the badge when the holder isn’t present

- Social Care Funding: Failure to declare capital or assets

- Right to Buy: Providing false information to qualify for a discount

- Insurance Fraud: False claims for injury or loss

Then please let us know immediately and click the Begin this form button below: