Report Antisocial Behaviour

Please note: You can report Anti-Social Behaviour complaints to us anonymously by scrolling to the bottom of this page and clicking begin this form.

This form is for reporting antisocial behaviour, such as:

  • physical and verbal abuse or threats
  • alcohol-related nuisance
  • vandalism, graffiti and damage to property 
  • nuisance neighbours

Some nuisance behaviour is a crime, not antisocial behaviour. Crimes should be reported to the police.

Only the police are able to deal with issues such as: assault, criminal damage, including vandalism, drug use, drug dealing, and hate crimes.

Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if a crime is in progress. If it is not an emergency, call 101 to report the incident to the police or contact Crimestoppers to give information about crime anonymously on 0800 555 111 or make a report via their online form.
