Under the Housing Act 2004, local authorities have powers to introduce selective licensing of privately rented homes to address problems in their areas. Selective licensing requires private landlords to apply for a licence to let their properties.
In 2014 the following areas in Fenton and Cobridge were designated as Selective Licensing areas:
- Baron Street
- Berdmore Street
- Bishop Street
- Brocksford Street
- Burnham Street
- Bute Street
- Carron Street
- Fife Street
- Foley Street
- Goldenhill Road (evens only)
- 1 – 96 Hollings Street
- 309-423 King Street (odds only)
- 342-388 King Street (evens only)
- Marriott Street
- May Place
- Oldfield Street
- Packett St
- Perth Street
- 346 – 380 Waterloo Road
- Century Street
- Winifred Street
- Cobridge Road
- Portland Street
- Stansgate Place
- Rutland Street
- Lowther Street
- Denbigh Street
- Chelwood Street
- Shaw Street
- Bromley Court
- Powell Street
- Mulgrave Street
- Edgeware Street
- Severn Street
- Derwent Street
- Eastbank Road
- Cecil Avenue
- Bromley Street
- Windermere Street
These selective licensing schemes ended on the 4th August 2019.
The evaluation of the selective licensing schemes is available here:
Any enquiries regarding the evaluation report should be sent to privatesectorhousing@stoke.gov.uk