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Red line road markings could be installed outside a city school in a bid to crackdown on parking problems.

Published: Tuesday, 30th November 2021

Schools across Stoke-on-Trent have reported problems at pick-up and drop-off times where dangerous parking is putting pedestrians and other road users at risk.

Now Stoke-on-Trent City Council is considering introducing a red route outside Sneyd Academy, in Sneyd Green, in the New Year.

The red route is proposed to be installed on parts of Sneyd Street, Sneyd Wood View and Hazelwood Close and would reflect the same parking and time restrictions currently in place.  However, unlike the current yellow lines, the red lines would be enforced by CCTV.

Cllr Daniel Jellyman, cabinet member for infrastructure, regeneration and heritage, said: “We often receive complaints from residents, parents and schools themselves about parking problems at drop-off and pick-up times, that cause congestion and are putting people at risk. We’ve tried the educational approach, we’ve sent parking enforcement officers to patrol outside schools at peak times and we’ve even changed the road layout outside some schools, but we’re still receiving reports of problems. The red route would be the next step to try and improve safety and prevent accidents before they happen.

“Red routes will be a familiar sight to motorists now on some of our busy roads such as Waterloo Road, but this would be the first one outside of a school in the city. I think they’ve been very successful in improving safety and traffic flow on some of our key strategic routes, and we’d be hoping for similar results outside of Sneyd Academy. If we do decide to install the red lines, we would keep a close eye on the effectiveness of them before deciding whether or not it is something we could do in other parts of the city.”

Letters are being sent to residents in the area outlining the proposals. Residents have until Christmas Eve to comment and are asked to include their house number and street on any communications to highwayconsultation@stoke.gov.uk quoting reference: DF/NM/TRO25/2021.