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Stoke-on-Trent City Council is considering applying for powers to enforce moving traffic offences – in a step that could reduce congestion and improve safety for motorists and pedestrians.

Published: Friday, 19th November 2021

The Department for Transport announced in June that all councils in England and Wales could take over enforcement of offences, such as disregarding no entry, no u-turn and one-way restrictions, and co

Only local authorities in London and Cardiff can issue penalty charge notices (PCNs) for these types of traffic offences at the moment, where reports suggest it has significantly reduced police workload, allowing officers to prioritise more important matters, while also improving compliance. A move in Stoke-on-Trent would see the council share enforcement with Staffordshire Police, who would still maintain the power to enforce contraventions. Speeding offences would remain a matter for the police only.

Cllr Daniel Jellyman, cabinet member for infrastructure, regeneration and heritage, said: “The council already enforces some moving traffic offences in the city, such as bus lanes, and we often receive complaints about cars driving in pedestrianised areas, too, which at present is a police matter. If we do decide to pursue gaining the additional powers, I think it would help the public’s understanding of who is responsible for enforcing moving traffic offences as there if often some confusion in this area.

“This isn’t saying the council would suddenly have a duty to enforce all of them overnight. What we would do I think is target known problem areas in the city, where bad driving puts people at risk and causes delays, and where we know some enforcement would benefit the public. I think we could see a positive impact on road safety, traffic flow and journey times and air quality in certain areas. It would also help the police who could concentrate on other matters.”

The city council is now consulting with the public and relevant stakeholders until December 31st to seek views on the adoption of the additional powers before deciding whether to apply to Government.

People can submit their feedback to movingtraffic@stoke.gov.uk and indicate whether they or their organisation support the proposal, with any relevant comments, by the end of the year.