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The Big Climate Fightback: have your say on tree planting schemes in the city

Published: Friday, 24th September 2021

Stoke-on-Trent City Council is asking for views to help shape a scheme to plant over 11,000 trees around the city.

The tree planting scheme is funded by the Woodland Trust as part of the More Woods Grant (funded by Lloyds banking group) and is part of the ‘Big Climate Fightback’.

The Woodland Trust said: “Trees are our strongest warriors in the battle against climate change. They lock up carbon, fight flooding and cool our cities. But there are simply not enough of them to tackle the climate emergency. To hit the Government's 2050 carbon net zero target, the UK desperately needs more trees.”

The areas proposed for the planting scheme are Allendale Walk, Sandy Road, Gill Bank, Dalton Grove, Frodingham Road, Goms Mill, Chelmsford Drive and Bankey Fields. Some locations will be left part planted to allow the local community to plant up and be involved should they wish.

Cllr Carl Edwards, Cabinet Member for Housing and Environment said: “Trees play a vital role in the city to provide habitat for biodiversity, help reduce flooding, stabilise land and offset carbon. They are also vital in allowing residents of Stoke-on-Trent to make the best use of outdoor spaces around the City. The city council is keen to restore habitat and foraging space for the wide variety of wildlife that is supported by tree cover.

“We also recognise the change in both national and local mood towards preserving woodland and space for nature, and that levels of concern about climate change are at an all-time high. This tree planting scheme is part of a strong tradition of green space provision and management which has evolved over many generations.

“The historical growth of the City from a series of distinct pottery towns is reflected in our present-day green spaces. The main parks, green corridors following the canal and railway network and the naturally recolonised brownfield land all bear testimony to the city’s varied industrial past. It is possible to ‘tell the story of the city through its green space’ and this legacy is something which we are continuing with these new tree planting schemes. This is a great story line for the city that other cities will be envious of.”

To view the full proposals and have your say go to: https://www.stoke.gov.uk/bigclimatefightback. Planting is due to begin before spring 2022. Once plans and dates are finalised, information will be shared on how the public can get involved. The consultation runs until 30 September 2021.