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City Council and local NHS Trust reach agreement on how to continue provision of School Nursing and Health Visiting services in the city

Published: Friday, 18th December 2020

School Nursing and Health Visiting services supporting children, young people and their families in Stoke-on-Trent are to continue to be provided by a local NHS trust

This is following an agreement to continue to work together with the City Council.

The council has commissioned Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) to continue providing the current 0-5 Health Visiting Service and 5-19 Public Health Advisory Service, commonly known as Our Health 5-19, until the end of March 2021.

From April 2021, the council will be launching a new Health Visiting and School Nursing service for the city and is actively working with MPFT, schools and parents locally to shape how this service will be provided going forwards.

Some of the services provided in the current contract include:

0-5 services

  • Support and advice for parents-to-be and new parents
  • Health and development checks for all babies and children
  • Well baby clinics
  • Access to advice over the phone through the Stoke Hub
  • Identification of and support for parents who are struggling with their mental health or other concerns
  • Information and advice on a wide range of topics, including, for example, infant feeding, child safety, vaccinations, sleep, looking after little teeth, and supporting healthy child development through communication and play

5-19 services

  • A range of health and wellbeing information for children and young people
  • Support and advice for parents and young people covering a range of areas, including concerns about behaviour, lifestyle, emotional wellbeing and sexual health
  • A range of ways to access support and advice from a school nurse, including phoning the Stoke Hub, high school drop ins, health interviews and the Chat Health text messaging service for young people, available on 07520 615723
  • Support for pupils with medical conditions (and their families and schools), including helping teachers to learn about conditions such as Asthma, Epilepsy, and Anaphylaxis awareness

Councillor Lorraine Beardmore, cabinet member for public health at Stoke-on-Trent City Council said: “We’re pleased to be working with Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) to provide the Our Health 0-19 services until March 2021. MPFT have continued to deliver vital healthcare to residents in the city throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and we hugely appreciate the care they have shown to those who have relied on their services. From April 2021, we’ll be launching a new Health Visiting and School Nursing service, and we anticipate that this will bring a number of benefits for children and families across the city. We are committed to working to improve the health and wellbeing of residents of all ages across Stoke-on-Trent.

Councillor Dave Evans, cabinet member for children and young people at Stoke-on-Trent City Council said: “Every child in Stoke-on-Trent deserves the right start in their lives. We are working hard to ensure that the services we provide for children and young people in the city enable them to reach their full potential. We are looking forward to working with Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) in the months ahead as we continue to work closely with them alongside and schools, families and parents to develop the brand new service that will be introduced from April 2021.”

Claire Bailey, Managing Director of MPFT’s Children and Families services said: “We’re delighted to have reached an agreement with the council to continue to provide these important Health Visiting and School Nursing services in the city until the end of March 2021, and are excited to be working with the local authority to help shape these services going forwards in April 2021.

“We thank the city council for the faith they have shown in the Trust to continue to provide these important services – it’s a real testament to the continued hard work and professionalism of our staff, especially in light of the ongoing challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Due to the pandemic, well baby clinics, face to face groups and drop-ins provided by the service are currently closed; however, the city hub remains open and is available for advice and support, along with appointed baby clinics and virtual breastfeeding and baby massage groups. Visit www.mpft.nhs.uk/services/health-visiting-and-school-nursing for more about the service and current Covid-19 information.