​​​​​​​Multi-agency week of action success, across towns in Stoke-on-Trent

Week of Action
Week of Action
Published: Monday, 7th October 2024

Teams from Stoke-on-Trent City Council joined Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue for a week-long, multi-agency ‘week of action’ across towns in Stoke-on-Trent last week.

The coordinated partnership approach saw teams from the Rough Sleepers Team, Environmental Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour, Trading Standards, and drug and alcohol services, targeting identified locations with increased crime and anti-social behaviour, to provide reassurance and engagement to local businesses and the public, and offer support to individuals who are presenting with substance misuse, mental health and homelessness needs.

The Week of Action kicked off in the city centre, where parking enforcement officers visited 160 locations, where 41 fixed penalty notices were issued for illegal parking. The Environmental Crime Unit cleared illegal dumping from Trumpet Passage, and identified other locations to complete follow up action, including; Gitana Street, Brunswick Street and Market Passage.

Staffordshire Police were able to detain two shoplifters, and arrest two wanted males.

The Mobile Police Station proved popular with members of the public interacting with officers across all locations.

Action also took place in Longton, Norton, Burslem and Tunstall.

In total, 69 fixed penalty notices for illegal parking were issued across the city, four empty homes were secured, and a derelict building secured by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue. The Rough Sleeper Team engaged with 25 individuals across the week.

Councillor Alastair Watson, cabinet member for Financial Sustainability and Corporate Resources, said: “It was great to join the teams in action in Hanley. This collaborative work across multiple agencies allows us to target and identify locations with increased crime and anti-social behaviour.

“As always, superb results from the week. Residents are also reminded to continue to report their concerns. We simply cannot carry out this type of targeted work without community involvement.

“As we approach our Centenary year, we’re stepping up our work to make sure everyone can feel pride in their neighbourhood. We want everyone to feel safe where they live, work and visit.”

Inspector Victoria Ison, from the Stoke North local policing team, said: “Tackling the priorities of our local communities can only be achieved by working collaboratively with partners across initiatives like this one.

“We’re continuing to carry out regular enforcement against those who are blighting local communities, utilising specialist local teams who are determined to make a difference in Stoke-on-Trent.”

If you are concerned about anyone sleeping rough, contact the Outreach Team on 0800 970 2304 or via the Streetlink website.

Illegal dumping can be reported to Environmental Crime on 01782 234234 or via email at environmental.crime@stoke.gov.uk and the Drug and Alcohol Service can be contacted on 01782 283113.