On Tuesday 30 July Stoke-on-Trent City Council cabinet members will hear how the Family Matters programme is already making a difference to families in the city.
In just six months the Family Matters programme has started to provide key opportunities for families across the city. Partnerships are being strengthened to enhance family life in Stoke-on-Trent, with better co-ordination and targeted delivery.
Family Matters is a multi-agency programme that gives families in Stoke-on-Trent access to all the advice, tips and opportunities they need to thrive. It’s a key part of the city council’s commitment to support family life – working with the NHS, voluntary and community sector, businesses and others to make sure families are helped to give their children the best start in life.
The city council has invested £1.5 million from the Public Health Grant into the programme and the NHS Integrated Care Board have invested £1 million, with wider partners providing support in kind. Ultimately, Family Matters will reduce the financial pressures from the care system and reduce the amount spent on children’s care placements.
Cllr Lynn Watkins, cabinet member for health and wellbeing said: “Childhood experiences can have a lasting impact on health and wellbeing into adulthood so it’s fantastic that Family Matters is already making a difference in our communities.
“We will always start from the perspective of understanding the strengths of people
and communities, rather than just seeing their needs and that’s exactly what Family Matters does. We’re working with communities to make a real difference to the health and wellbeing of children and families across the city.”
Family Matters runs across several key areas including:
- Family Hubs – the programme runs in and out of our network of Family Hubs.
- Citywide Play – will offer play opportunities for all 0-3 year olds in the city
- Youth provision – will ensure every area of the city has accessible, high quality youth provision
- Adult learning and employment – family learning matters and we will develop opportunities for adults to expand their skills and gain employment, benefitting their families, as well as promoting children’s learning
- Mental health and wellbeing – our pilot mental health programme will be expanded to three schools in September 2024. Students are supported through regular drop-in sessions as well as a full-time member of staff for emotional support
- Anti-poverty – we want to reduce the impact of the cost of living on families in the city. Anyone who needs support can visit www.stoke.gov.uk/helpisathand
Councillor Sarah Hill, cabinet member for children’s services, said: “Supporting family life is one our key aims and we want to ensure there’s a city wide response to this, working with our partners and communities – Family Matters does this.
“Early work with families leads to far fewer children in care and we’re already seeing that Family Matters can make a real difference. This makes the continued roll out of Family Matters really important”
Family Matters is a significant piece of partnership working and the city council is working with four chosen Locally Trusted Organisations to work with families in their communities:
- North: Just Family CIC
- Central: YMCA North Staffordshire
- South East: Alice Charity
- South West: Family Focus
Heather Sheldon, Chief Executive Officer of Alice Charity said: “Alice are an established, dynamic and local charity that has immense experience in supporting families. We are excited to be working in true partnership with other established and trusted charities to change the lives of local families and communities. Partnership and collaboration are at the heart of Alice and together we can and we will make a positive difference. As an LTO, Alice will be identifying gaps in services, planning for service improvements, strengthening communities and working closely with other organisations at the heart of the community. This is an exciting time for families in Stoke-on-Trent and we are proud to be part of this.”
Daniel Flynn, Chief Executive Officer of YMCANS said: “YMCA North Staffordshire is proud to serve in our beloved city. We have been given the status of Locally Trusted Organisations by our partners at City Council and are excited to be working in partnership with communities and partners developing support and help for our city’s family. Helping all to thrive and contribute.”
Natalie Ornelas, Chief Executive Officer of Family Focus said: “Family Focus is excited to collaborate with Just Family, Alice Charity, and the YMCA to assist Stoke-on-Trent City Council in delivering an exceptional offer of support to children and families in the city. By working hand in hand with the City Council, we will harness the expertise of our voluntary sector partners to genuinely listen and respond to the needs of children and families throughout the city. This is an exciting opportunity for all in the city to work together for the next generation and generations to come.
Just Family CIC said: “Just Family CIC have been providing specialist family support across Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire for the past 4 years, we feel very honoured to be one of the named Local Trusted Organisations for the city of Stoke-on-Trent and we are optimistic that this will allow us to reach more families and support our local community at the earliest possible point.”
The Family Matters website is coming soon and residents can find information on the Digital Family Hub at https://familyhub.stoke.gov.uk/
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