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Council announces new conservation areas

Published: Monday, 22nd April 2024

Two newly designated conservation areas in Stoke-on-Trent have now been announced to help preserve the city’s historic character.

Following a consultation process Stoke-on-Trent City Council has unveiled new conservation areas in Winton Square, Stoke and Albert Square, Fenton.

This follows on from 2022 where residents were encouraged to have their say in a consultation exercise and express what significant historical features in the city meant to them. These new conservation areas complete the review of all conservation areas in the city with 22 now designated.

Councillor Chris Robinson, cabinet member for housing, regeneration, and planning said: “Conservation areas play an important role in preserving and enhancing the city’s heritage. Our city has a unique and vibrant cultural identity and heritage which sets the city apart from other places.

“The council has a duty to review its conservation areas from time to time. Where an area has special architectural or historic interest, and it is desirable to preserve or enhance its character or appearance, then it shall be designated as a conservation area. 

“I am pleased that the declaration of these two conservation areas now completes the review. Being in a conservation area helps the council to protect and manage the essential elements of character and appearance that make such places distinctive and ‘special’. The value placed on the distinctiveness and character of conservation areas is usually reflected in the price of properties situated within them and in some cases, conservation areas may also qualify for heritage-focused funding streams.”

The new conservation areas can be seen at