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Enhanced Family Support Offer for Stoke-on-Trent to make ‘a huge difference to the life chances of children’ in the city

Published: Tuesday, 10th October 2023

Stoke-on-Trent families are to get additional support as part of investments into an expanded Family Support offer.

Stoke-on-Trent City Council cabinet today (Tuesday 10 October) agreed that the authority should develop the offer to prevent families going into crisis and to improve the life chances of children across the city.

Development of an enhanced Family Support offer over the next two years will include support across the city, based in and out of the growing network of Family Hubs and will be funded with £1.5 million from the Public Health grant.

The enhanced offer will bring together support from a range of specialist services including:

  • Communities programmes
  • Financial support
  • Drug/alcohol treatment
  • Housing support
  • Leisure activities
  • Education
  • Health services
  • Employment support
  • Community safety

The city council will also engage with the voluntary sector, to develop new community offers and strengthen existing provision. Through the expansion of ‘stay and play’ offers and  opportunities for sport and cultural activities, the programme will increase social connections and peer support for residents.

Councillor Sarah Hill, cabinet member for children’s services, said: “I’m really pleased that we are able to invest in preventative and early intervention services in Stoke-on-Trent, to support children and families.

“We know that in the current cost of living crisis, families may be struggling and so we’re working to combat this in a joined-up way to improve children’s outcomes and, by providing the kind of vital early intervention that allows children to remain safely with their families, reduce the number of children in care.

“Early intervention and support for families leads to far fewer children in care. This makes implementing our new Family Support offer, which will provide an extensive support network for children and families in the city, really important”

Cllr Lynn Watkins, cabinet member for health and wellbeing said: “Childhood experiences can have a lasting impact on health and wellbeing into adulthood so I’m thrilled that we are able to use funding from the Public Health grant to support this new initiative.

“This work will make a real difference to the health and wellbeing of children and families across the city.”