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Changes to council’s cabinet announced

Published: Tuesday, 3rd October 2023

Changes have been announced to the make-up of Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s cabinet.

Council leader Jane Ashworth has announced that the authority’s senior team will feature the same nine members, but with a number of changed responsibilities that respond to key challenges and opportunities.

As well as leading the council, councillor Jane Ashworth OBE will continue to be responsible for strategy, economic development, culture and sport.

Deputy leader councillor Amjid Wazir’s portfolio is responsible for city pride, enforcement and a new responsibility for sustainability.

Councillor Duncan Walker is the new cabinet lead for the adults portfolio, with previous postholder Sarah Hill taking on the children’s services brief. Councillor Lynn Watkins is now cabinet member for health and wellbeing, having moved from children’s services.

Councillor David Williams is cabinet member for community safety and resilience, which includes leading work on supporting residents and businesses through the cost of living crisis, and responsibility for customer service.

Councillor Desiree Elliott has new cabinet responsibilities for education and skills and anti-poverty, having previously been the cabinet lead for health and wellbeing.

Councillor Alastair Watson remains as the lead member for finances, with his portfolio title now being cabinet member for financial sustainability and corporate resources.

Councillor Chris Robinson’s responsibilities have now grown from housing, to be cabinet member for housing, regeneration and planning.

Councillor Ashworth said: “There has been much progress since I announced my first cabinet in May. Now, more than four months in, it’s right that we look to make sure everyone is in position to play to our collective strengths. The cabinet is a team, and like a good team, it’s important that we make sure everyone is in the right place on the field.

“The changes reflect the interests and skills of cabinet leads and the large portfolios of work that they have to manage.

“We will continue to work hard for the good of the city and residents, to lead with care and kindness, and to support our businesses and economy to thrive.”