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Speed limit change to parts of the A34

Published: Thursday, 16th March 2023

Following concerns about reduced visibility when egressing from driveways, residents approached Stoke-on-Trent City Council to review and make changes to help with road safety.

Speed limit change to parts of the A34

Residents on Stone Road, Trentham previously requested a speed limit change outside of their properties on the A34 northbound approach to the Hanford roundabout.

Following concerns about reduced visibility when egressing from driveways, residents approached Stoke-on-Trent City Council to review and make changes to help with road safety.

A speed limit reduction from 40mph to 30mph has been proposed and a legal order advertised and consulted in order to help residents leave their properties safely.

Cllr James Smith, cabinet member for infrastructure, heritage, and development management said: “We have carried out an assessment following this request and the outcome of this is that there is considered to be sufficient justification to reduce the speed limit at this location.  No objections were received to the proposals and as such, it is proposed to make this Traffic Regulation Order in the interests of road safety and avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using this section of the A34”

The introduction of the road markings will be undertaken during the week commencing Monday 20 March. The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be operational and enforceable from Friday 24 March.