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Stoke-on-Trent City Council celebrates Shared Lives Week 2022 (13– 17th June 2022).

Published: Friday, 17th June 2022

Shared Lives Stoke-on-Trent is calling for more residents to come forward to provide short breaks in their own home to adults with learning disabilities.

The Stoke-on-Trent City Council scheme carefully matches people needing to access the service to an approved Shared Lives carer, after getting to know each other the person will go and stay with the Shared Lives carer which could vary from one night to a couple of weeks. This support can enable families to have a well-earned break from their caring role and it also allows the person to experience new things and build relationships with other people.

Over the last year, 16 adults with a learning disability from Stoke-on-Trent have been supported by a Shared Lives carer. Some were on a long-term basis and others were for short breaks, and in the last 12 months Shared Lives Stoke-on-Trent has approved seven new Shared Lives carers.

Councillor Ally Simcock, cabinet member for adult social care and healthcare, said: “People who come to Shared Lives become part of the family and get involved with daily routine tasks, which develops their independence.

“The Shared Lives team carries out a thorough assessment with the carers to make sure they are right for the scheme and have the right traits and skills by drawing from their life experiences. And ongoing training and support is provided throughout the whole process.”

Vikki, who has recently become a Shared Lives carer, said: “I have just completed my first ten-day respite break and it was a really good experience. I’m very much looking forward to providing more respite breaks in the future.

“I feel that I have a lot to offer with my previous professional and personal experience. I am flexible and adaptable and embrace new chapters in my life with enthusiasm and positivity.

“I have learned new ways of working through the training delivered by the shared lives team and I am confident that I know exactly what is expected of me within this role.”

Molly is someone who lives with her Shared Lives carers on a long-term basis.

She said: “Before you start the process they ask you what you need, what you like, what you don’t like and what area you want to live in. Then they match you up with a Shared Lives carer by looking at your needs and likes. 

“When you come into the Shared Lives service they do it in a slow process, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or rushed.

“They regularly check-up with both parties involved to make sure you’re the right pairing, for you and the carers, and that if you have worries and queries they are always there, so you’re never forgotten about.”

To find out more about becoming a shared lives carer contact the shared lives team on: 01782 235000 or email sharedlives@stoke.gov.uk.