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Red routes to be introduced on two city roads

Published: Thursday, 9th June 2022

Stoke-on-Trent City Council will be starting work on Red Routes across two major roads in the city on Monday 13 June, with the roads being operational and enforceable on Monday 20 June.

Stoke-on-Trent City Council will be starting work on red routes across two roads in the city on Monday 13 June, with the roads being operational and enforceable on Monday 20 June.

The work will take place on College Road (Shelton) and Station Road, by Stoke Station. All comments and objections that were received during a prior consultation period have been considered in the design and installation of the routes.

The red routes are marked by red lines painted on the roads and are designed to reduce congestion and delays to traffic, improve road safety and air quality and assist the city’s bus operators to improve their journey time on this important route from the rail station to the city centre and vice versa.

Red routes do not allow motorists to stop on the road, but a provision has been made to allow waiting for a limited time period in the existing limited waiting bays/loading bays already operating on this route. These are:

  • Station car park 1 to the front of the station on Station Road
  • Station car park 3 to the rear of the station accessed off Stoke Road
  • Stoke Station West Car Park accessed off Glebe St
  • The existing limited waiting on Station Road will remain.

Map of station road

Following on from the successful implementation of red routes on City Road and Waterloo Road in 2020, there has been a dramatic decrease in congestion, dangerous parking and an increase in traffic flow through the city.

Councillor Daniel Jellyman, cabinet member for infrastructure, regeneration and heritage has said: “This will be a welcome addition to ease travel across our city. The new red routes will to help reduce congestion on busy roads, speeding up journey times for public transport and other users, whilst making our roads safer by preventing dangerous parking.

“We appreciate the works may cause some delays and disruption and thank road users, local residents and businesses for their co-operation during this time.”

Please email any questions to petronella.yearsley@stoke.gov.uk