Elections 2024

A general election has been called for Thursday 4 July 2024. This is your opportunity to choose a local MP as a representative for Stoke-on-Trent, North, South and Central.

Find out more about the general election and how to vote here...

Types of local searches and local land charges

In this section

  1. Full official search
  2. LLC1 search
  3. CON29 - the warning document
  4. Personal searches
  5. Environmental information regulations (EIR)

Environmental information regulations (EIR)

You can request a variety of land and property search data under the environmental information regulations (EIR). 

Some of this information is available on our website using the links:

For other information, you would normally need to arrange to visit us to view the data. Some of this information is held in free statutory public registers and can usually be inspected on the PC at our offices. 

However, this is not currently possible and therefore you should contact the data holders to make a request for the information you require. 

  • local land charges register
  • planning applications dating back to 1974
  • highways register of adopted street
  • modification order and register of claims
  • register of public sewers map
  • building regulations
    enforcement register
  • stop notices register
  • breach of condition notices register
  • hazardous substance consents register
  • register of litter control areas and street litter control notices
  • noise abatement zones register
  • common land and town and village greens register
  • records relating to the hedgerows 
  • register of housing licenses and management orders granted
  • listed buildings register