Extreme weather warning

Weather warnings for icy weather have been issued. Find out more about services related to snow, ice and cold weather here

Snow, Ice and cold weather

Building regulations charges

In this section

  1. Building regulations charges
  2. Table A: domestic extensions and alterations to a single building
  3. Table B: Regularisation Charge
  4. Table C: non-domestic work - alterations, extensions and new build

Table C: non-domestic work - alterations, extensions and new build


Description of Works


Full Plans Applications Only




Charges for minor works


Underpinning up to £50,000







Underpinning from £50,000 up to £100,000







Underpinning from £100,000 up to £250,000







Window replacement







Thermal element upgrade







Mezzanine floor






Cost of works

Work for which the estimated cost is up to £5,000




Work for which the estimated cost is £5,001 to £10,000




Work for which the estimated cost is £10,001 to £25,000




Work for which the estimated cost is £25,001 to £50,000




Work for which the estimated cost is £50,001 to £75,000




Work for which the estimated cost is £75,001 to £100,000




Work for which the estimated cost is over £100,000

Apply for a Quote – bas@stoke.gov.uk