2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

More information

Problems with Roadworks

Wor​​ks carried out on the footway or highway - known as "Streetworks"- are carried out by the City Council and third party co​n​tractors. These contractors are known as "Statutory undertakers"

Statutory undertakers are organisations who have a legal right to work on the highway and include highways authorities, water, sewerage, rail and bridge authorities, electricity, gas, telecommunication providers and other government authorities.

With permission from the City Council, owners of utility infrastructure or their appointed contractors are allowed to undertake work on their own services, when undertaking these works they should ensure they have complied with our "Code of good practice". 

Roadworks and road closures in progress

You can view all roadworks and road closures in progress on our online map. You can also

  • View roadworks carried out in the last two weeks, and see roadworks planned in the future
  • View information about closed roads, traffic restrictions and other incidents
  • Set up alerts when roadworks are planned in an area you are interested in. 

Roadworks map

Reporting problems

Problems can arise during or after the completion of roadworks, such as​

  • Poor reinstatement of the footway or highway following the works
  • Rubbish and mess left behind following the works
  • Problems with traffic management during the works
  • Equipment left behind following the works
  • Other problems caused since the roadworks that are causing disruption

When these issues arise you should try to contact the company who carried out the works. This is often the fastest way to get a problem resolved. 

The contact details of the contractor are normally visible on site, along with a permit reference, a list of statutory undertakers is also available here.

You can also find who is carrying out roadworks by looking at our roadworks and closures map above

When to report a problem to us

If you have been unable to contact the Statutory undertaker or they have not resolved the problem to your satisfaction, you can report this to us online

We will ask you about the nature of the problem, the location, how long it has been happening and if you are happy for your personal information to be passed to the third party so they can provide you with an update.  

Report this online

Once received, we will do our best to provide you with an update within 7 days

Emergencies on the highway

If the problems is an immediate and serious threat to safety, you should contact us immediately. 

Reporting other problems on the highway

Other issues on the highway such as potholes or other maintenance issues can be reported here

Report a highways problem