Traffic Calming

Traffic Calming Measures

Traffic calming measures are implemented to improve road safety for all users, including motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. These measures aim to reduce speeding, decrease traffic volume, and enhance the overall quality of the local environment.

Potential traffic calming measures may include:

  • Reduced speed limits
  • Road humps
  • Central islands
  • Yellow lines
  • Waiting or parking restrictions
  • Road safety signals
  • Pedestrian crossings

Requesting Traffic Calming

We have a formal process for evaluating traffic calming requests and addressing speeding concerns.

Initially, we review the number of reported road traffic accidents with personal injuries within the requested area over the past three years. This information is obtained from Staffordshire Police's accident records database.

If the data indicates at least one road traffic accident with personal injury in the past three years and sufficient funding is available, we may proceed with a formal assessment.

However, if no personal injury accidents have been recorded in the past three years, we may not be able to justify using internal funds to install a traffic counter or conduct a traffic calming assessment.

In such cases, your local elected councillor may be able to prioritise the site for a full traffic calming or speed assessment, using their allocated ward budget to fund the installation of a traffic counter. You may wish to discuss this option with your councillor.

To request a traffic calming assessment for a specific street or road, please provide details about the location and explain why you believe traffic calming is necessary. We will then review the accident data as a first step in the assessment process.