Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

School Streets

In this section

  1. School Streets
  2. School Streets FAQ's
  3. Exemption FAQ's

School Streets FAQ's

What are the operating hours for School Streets?

Operating hours vary according to the school start and end times.  They generally operate for 60 minutes during morning and afternoon drop off and pick up times during term time only.  Signage at each School Street location will clearly display the hours of operation.

What if I am already parked inside the School Streets zone when it comes into operation?

Vehicles already parked in the roads before the times of operation will be able to exit.  During the operating times, any vehicles moving within the School Street are advised to travel at walking pace.

Will the School Street cause displacement of traffic?

Whilst it is difficult to predict exactly how much traffic will be displaced there is potential for parking to be dispersed over a wider area rather than concentrated outside the school gates.  We will be working with the school and the local community to identify locations away from the school where parents can park safely without obstructing residents on neighbouring streets.  This is called Park & Stride.

Some parents or carers will say it is essential that they drive their child to school; is this scheme designed to penalise them?

The objective of a School Street is to make the school run safer, healthier and more enjoyable for the whole community, as well as for children travelling to school, not to penalise parents.  For those who need to rely on the car for the journey to school, they can park a bit further away and walk the last part of the journey.

How will visitors know about the School Street?

School Street signs will be installed at the entry points of the restricted roads, informing people of the timed closure outside the school.  We ask the school and residents within the School Streets to tell their visitors about the restrictions when visits are being planned.  Visitors can park on surrounding roads outside the School Street.

How will parents, carers and children with limited mobility be affected by the School Street?

School Streets will make it easier for pupils, parents and carers with limited mobility to access the school by reducing traffic outside the school gates.  We will work with the school to identify those families that will need an exemption due to limited mobility and will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Any vehicles issued with an exemption must still avoid parking on school keep clear (zigzag) markings and follow any other parking restrictions in place.