Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

SENMAS’ Communication Pledge

We understand that being able to effectively communicate with SENMAS is important to our families and partners, and we are committed to making improvements in how we communicate with you.
We promise that we will actively listen to you, ensuring that you have been understood and feel supported, so we are able to help you get the outcomes you want.

We will always;

  • Be friendly, approachable and helpful, responding to you fairly with consideration and respect.
  • Communicate with you in an open and honest way, ensuring that we are clear on what you can expect from us, and explaining our decisions and the reasons for them.
  • Make adjustments to meet your individual needs, and try wherever we can to communicate with you in the method you prefer.
  • Do what we say we are going to do, when we say we will, and provide updates on progress.
  • Provide clear and accurate information, avoiding the use of acronyms and unnecessary jargon. 
  • Sensitively and confidentially handle your information, keeping it safe and secure.
  • Explain fully what has happened if something goes wrong, and do our best to assist you to find a resolution.  
  • Let you know if we are not able to assist you, and direct you to other organisations that might be able to help.
  • Make it easy for you to provide feedback, which we will use to help us improve and develop our services.

You have pledged that;  

  • I will try to be a little more understanding. 
  • I will try not to shout at staff when I become cross.
  • I will always be polite.
  • I will provide feedback about my experience.


Email contact



All incoming email enquiries into will be responded to within three working days.


All incoming email enquiries to individual staff members will be acknowledged within three working days.


In the case of staff absence, all incoming email enquiries to individual staff members will receive an automatic out-of-office reply, redirecting you to an alternative contact.

Telephone contact

All incoming telephone enquiries to the duty telephone number 01782-231-863 (available between 9.30am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday) will be responded to within three working days.


All incoming telephone enquiries to individual staff members will be acknowledged within three working days.


In the case of staff absence, all incoming telephone enquiries to individual staff members will receive an automatic voicemail reply, redirecting you to an alternative contact.

Postal contact

SENMAS, Hazel Trees, Duke Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 3NR.


All incoming post to this address will be acknowledged within five working days of receipt.

Education Panel



Education Panel meets weekly. All submissions must be made to the Panel Coordinator by 12 noon, one week before the next Panel date.


All decisions will be shared within five working days via telephone or email, and followed up with a response by letter if required.

Transport applications

All incoming emails into will receive an automatic response.


Transport applications will be listed at Education Panel for a decision within four weeks of the application being received into or via the post.


Information about Home to School Transport, including the assessment form, is available on the Local Offer;

Compliments, comments and complaints




You are able to submit a compliment, comment or complaint via an online form, available on the Council’s website;


We may not accept complaints where there is a right of appeal or an active appeal, as this is covered by alternative procedures.


The Complaints, Comments and Compliments Procedure is available on the Council’s website;