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Early Help and Prevention Strategy 2020-2024

The Stoke-on-Trent Early Help and Prevention Strategy 2020 - 2024 sets out our approach to ensuring that effective early help and support is available to children and families in Stoke-on-Trent.

The strategy should be read within the context of the overarching Children, Young People and Families’ Strategy which sets out the vision for all children in Stoke-on-Trent. This strategy is also a key part of our ambitious plans to transform Children and Young People’s services in Stoke-on-Trent. The document provides a high-level summary of need within the City based on the most up to date baseline data within the 2019 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. It also sets out the priorities of the Early Help and Prevention Board, the partnership body responsible for overseeing the strategy and the delivery plan that accompanies it. The strategy will be supported by the Children’s Commissioning Strategy, the Early Years Plan, the Special Needs Inclusion plan, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the Education Improvement Plan and the Youth Justice Strategy, among others.

The strategy will create a space in which statutory partners, voluntary and faith sector services, families and communities co-exist and complement each other as part of a wider safeguarding community.

As a Partnership, it is our aspiration that our practitioners, irrespective of their formal positions, develop a shared approach to working with children and families that makes the most of their collective knowledge, skills and experience.

We believe it is important that this strategy remains a live document. There will be six-monthly reviews and oversight from both the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board and Children’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee to ensure the strategy remains as relevant in three years as it is now.

The consultation period for the strategy has now ended.

Download the full strategy here