Frequently asked questions
Booking appointments
How do I find out when the next available booking is?
Appointment availability is on the website 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What times/ days can I make an MOT booking?
Bookings can be made on the website 24 hours a day, seven days a week, up to 12 months in advance and book a month in advance, minus one day, prior to the expiry date of your existing MOT. For example, the expiry date is 15th February the earliest to make an appointment is 16th January.
Can I leave my vehicle here overnight at Cromer Road, in preparation for an MOT the following day?
Unfortunately, due to space, vehicles cannot be stored or kept at Cromer Road the day prior to the MOT.
I have a section 68 when should I book my MOT appointment?
We recommend you liaise with your repairer to find out how long the repairs will take and then make your appointment. We also recommend you also keep in contact with your repairer to ensure that the vehicle will be ready for when you have made your appointment. If the appointment needs to be re-scheduled, please ensure you allow a minimum of 1 clear full working day's notice. You must make sure the repairs are done and MOT submitted to Licensing before the end of your suspension period (this date is on your suspension notice email). If your licence is due to expire you must submit your plate application form before the end of the suspension period in order to continue licensing the vehicle if its outside the age policy. This is the application form link: Taxis | Stoke-on-Trent
I have made a booking and want a payment receipt
Contact us by using the contact form. We will require the date and time of the MOT and the vehicle reg.
Changing appointments
How do I cancel an appointment?
Appointments can be cancelled by clicking on the link you will have received by either SMS or Email (depending on your choice at the time of booking). Bookings can be cancelled on the website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please ensure 1 clear full working day to be eligible for a refund.
How do I change an appointment?
Bookings can be rescheduled or cancelled by clicking on the link you will have received by either SMS or Email (depending on your choice at the time of booking), this can be done on the website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please ensure 1 clear full working day.
How do I change the registration of a booking?
Contact us by using the contact form please allow 1 clear full working day.
What do I do if I cannot get an appointment before my MOT Expiry date?
Contact us by using the contact form and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
What can I do if I cannot get an appointment before the expiry of my vehicle licence?
Contact us using the contact form to get the earliest appointment. Submit your application to Licensing before the licence expiry in order to be able to continue licensing the vehicle: Taxis | Stoke-on-Trent
Is there a cancellation list that I can be added to so that if an earlier appointment becomes available I can bring my appointment forward?
There is no cancellation list, we advise Customers to make their booking as soon as possible, and if an earlier appointment is required contact us by using the contact form & we will do our best to accommodate your request
What are the criteria for a refund?
To be eligible for a refund, you must cancel the booking with at least one clear full working days’ notice (e.g. a booking for a Friday must be cancelled no later than the Wednesday previous).
How do I get a refund?
Refunds against appointments can be done by clicking on the link you will have received by either SMS or Email (depending on your choice at the time of booking). Refunds are dealt with / requested by the back office. They get notified when an appointment has been cancelled and will generate the refund automatically.
How long does a refund take to appear back in my bank?
Refunds will go back to the account that they were made from. It can take up to 7 working days before it appears in the account.
What do I do if I cannot attend my booking and the notice period is not sufficient to get a refund?
If you are not able to attend your appointment, and you are not able to provide one clear full working days’ notice, you will not be entitled to a refund.
Other FAQ's
Where is the MOT Centre based?
The Weighbridge Site, Cromer Road, Northwood, Stoke on Trent, ST1 6QN
I need to order a copy of my MOT certificate
Duplicate MOT Certificates can only be issued by the Test Station that issued the MOT – i.e. if the individual did not obtain their MOT via the Council Test Station, then the Test Station cannot provide a duplicate MOT Certificate.
A duplicate MOT Certificate should only be issued by the individual that carried out the MOT. As an alternative, duplicate MOT Certificates can also be obtained by the customer by visiting
How do I prevent my Taxi losing time on its plate?
We recommend that you look at your existing plate to see what the current expiry date is and book a month in advance, minus one day, prior to the expiry date of your existing MOT. For example, the expiry date is 15th February the earliest to make an appointment is 16th January. If you have your test carried out a month before the due date, your MOT is effectively valid for 13 months.
What are the opening times of the MOT Station?
The MOT Station is open to the public from 8am-4pm Monday to Thursday, and 8am-3pm on a Friday.
Can I pay cash when I get to Cromer Road?
All bookings must be paid for at the time of booking, which can be made on the website.
What do I do if I have any questions?
Contact us by using the contact form.