Learn 4 Work

In this section

  1. Learn 4 Work
  2. How to make a complaint about Learn 4 Work

How to make a complaint about Learn 4 Work

We encourage all learners to feedback about our services. Let us know if you are not satisfied, or have a suggestion about how we could do things differently. We also welcome comments and compliments.

We are committed to:

  • dealing with complaints and comments quickly and effectively and in the strictest confidence
  • using complaints, comments and compliments to review and improve our services                         

If you feel we have got it wrong or have given you a poor service, tell the member of staff or their supervisor as this can often be the quickest way of sorting things out. They will not treat your comments as a formal complaint (unless you ask them to) but they will use your comments and take appropriate action, or give you information.

If you do not want to do this or are unhappy with the response you get, you can make a complaint.

Stage one: You can make a complaint in person, by phone, in writing or by email. Or, you can fill in the customer feedback form online. Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within two working days and you will be given information about who is dealing with your complaint. We aim to respond to you within ten working days. If the complaint is more complicated we may take longer to sort it out but we will keep you informed.

Stage two: If you are still not happy, you can ask to have the matter investigated by an independent investigator within the council. You need to request this within ten working days of receiving your stage one complaint response. This review will be conducted by a complaint investigation officer together with a senior manager not involved in the original complaint. We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days and reach a decision within 20 working days. To request a stage two, tell us in writing the reasons you are still dissatisfied and the outcome you require. This should be sent to the customer feedback team, Civic Centre, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1HH or by email to: customer.feedback@stoke.gov.uk

Stage three: If you have been through stages one and two and are still not satisfied, you can contact the Education and Skills Funding Agency via email: complaint.esfa@education.gov.uk or write to customer service team, Education and Skills Funding Agency, Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road, Coventry CV1 2WT

Complaints will be dealt with in a confidential manner that is respectful to both the complainant and the respondent. Reasonable steps will be taken to protect personal information from loss, unauthorised access, use, disclosure or any other misuse during the complaint handling process.