2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

More information

Tell us about a change in your situation

Tell us about a change in your situation

Changes in your situation can affect how much benefit  you're entitled to or how much council tax you must pay. 

If you don't tell us about any changes, we might not pay you enough benefit, or we might pay you too much and you may have to pay it back.
You must tell us about changes to:
  • your income (including wages, benefits, works pension, tax credits or any other income) 
  • the amount of savings you have (including the number of stocks and shares you own) 
  • who lives with you, such as when people move in or move out (including children, partners or boarders) 
  • the income of other people who live with you  
  • your address, if you move house or have to live away from home (including being admitted to hospital, going to prison, going into a nursing home, becoming a student/stop being a student, getting a new landlord) 
  • your rent (private or housing association tenants only) 
  • the bank account we pay your benefit into 

Some changes may mean we need to end your housing benefit claim and you will need to claim Universal Credit instead. 

We will tell you if this is the case, as soon as we have looked at your claim.

You must also tell the Department for Work and Pensions and HMRC about your change in situation if you get other benefits or tax credits.