Improvement Relief
The Improvement Relief will support businesses wishing to invest in their property. It will ensure that no ratepayer will face higher Business Rates bills for 12 months, as a result of qualifying improvements to a property they occupy.
This scheme will run from 1 April 2024 to 1 April 2029.
The conditions for the relief to apply are that:
- A certificate has been issued by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and that it has not been withdrawn or ceased to have effect, and
- The same ratepayer has been in occupation since the works started
For information relating to this relief, please visit
You do not need to apply for this relief, the Valuation Office Agency will calculate it at the same time they are notified about property changes. If you qualify for the relief they then notify us, and we will send a revised Business Rate bill.
Queries around this relief should be addressed directly with the Valuation Office Agency at