For Parents/Carers
Wraparound childcare is before and after school care for primary school aged children in England, during term time.
This is different from out of school activities or school clubs, which are less frequent and can be a one-off activity.
Private, voluntary, and Independent providers, including childminders and early years settings, are also able to offer wraparound childcare.
How do I find wraparound childcare near me?
Parents looking for childcare options for their primary school child should speak to their child’s school or our Family Information Service which can be found at the link below:
There are no eligibility criteria for accessing new wraparound childcare places.
How much will it cost providers and is financial support available?
Providers will set their own fees for wraparound places, so prices will vary.
Parents and guardians will pay their wraparound childcare provider directly for their child’s place.
Households eligible for Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare will be able to use the support to help pay for wraparound care.
To check if you are eligible for Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare, visit Childcare Choices by clicking the link below
The children of service personnel will be entitled to free breakfast and after-school childcare as part of measures to better support the Armed Forces and their loved ones. Service families can check if they are eligible and make an application to claim the Wraparound Childcare funding by visiting the Discover My Benefits website:
What if wraparound childcare is not available in my area?
The Government seeks to help parents/carers to work, or work for longer, by making more quality childcare available during the week and school holidays.
From September 2016 parents/carers of children at school from Reception up to the end of Key Stage 3 will have a 'right to request' that the school provides wraparound and holiday care.
Childcare providers will also have a 'right to request' that they provide the childcare.
This advice from the Department for Education has been produced to help maintained schools and academies (including free schools) understand how to respond to: a parent's requests that the school that their child attends consider establishing wraparound and/or holiday childcare, or private childcare providers' requests to use school facilities for wraparound and/or holiday provision at times when the school is not using them.
For more information on the right to request contact the Stoke-on-Trent Family Information Service:
Email: wraparound@stoke.gov.uk
Telephone: 01782235839
For Providers of Wraparound Childcare
What is the criteria for funding?
The wraparound childcare programme will only focus on:
- Primary school-aged children from reception to year 6,
- Monday to Friday during term time i.e., breakfast clubs from at least 8am and after school club until at least 6pm*
- Provision should cover a 10-hour day, enabling parents to work a full day with travel time.
- Note * evidence must be provided to show a “need” for any hours varied to this. e.g., parental surveys, data etc.
- Priority will be given to settings with a “Good” or above Ofsted outcome, as we want to provide high quality childcare
What the funding does not cover-
- Children not of primary school age
- Holiday provision: (if there is demand from working parents, you should consider this as part of your expansion plans, currently there is no funding to support holiday provision.)
Schools, Private/Voluntary/Independent settings and Childminders are invited to complete an Expression of Interest. Please complete the form at the links below: here.
Supporting information and guidance on the wraparound programme is listed below:
Government guidance on wraparound childcare guidance for schools
National Wraparound Childcare Programme Handbook – a guide for local authoritiess
The application form to request funding to support the Wraparound scheme in your setting will be linked here shortly.
If you would like the application form and guidance documents, please email wraparound@stoke.gov.uk