Housing online services

Please be aware you will be unable to access your housing online account due to system maintenance. We appreciate your patience whilst we make necessary updates and hope to have access available ASAP.

Health and Wellbeing

Your health matters to us. Being healthy does not mean just being physically healthy. It also means taking care of your mental, emotional and sexual health. There are plenty of resources available to support you with all aspects of being healthy. There is a lot of information on this page so please take your time to read all the information below.

Your health team

Whilst living in our care you should already have a relationship with the health team (the team that does your health assessments). When you turn 18 you will no longer have health assessments.

The nurse that does your health assessment or you may know it as a looked after child medical will provide you with a health summary record, sometimes referred to as your ‘health passport. This is provided at your last health assessment. If you are unable to attend your social worker will give you a copy of the record / health passport

When you are 18 your PA will support you to register with a GP (doctor). We advise that you find a GP service that suits you and is near to where you live. It is always a good idea to tell your PA who your GP is.

Your PA will also help you to register with a dentist and an optician and will help you to attend appointments if this is what you want. If you are getting welfare benefits you should be able to access free dental and optical care. They are also free if you are under 18yrs and/or in full-time education

NHS low income scheme

If you have a low income, you may be able to get help with NHS costs through the NHS Low Income Scheme. The scheme covers:

  • Prescription costs
  • Dental costs
  • Eyecare costs
  • Healthcare travel costs
  • Wigs and fabric supports

You can apply for the scheme as long as your savings, investments or property (not including where you live) do not exceed the capital limit.

Depending on your circumstances, you can receive full help (HC2 Certificate) or partial help (HC3 Certificate) For more information call the NHS low Income Scheme helpline on 03003301343 or visit the NHS help with health costs or speak to your PA for support.

Sanitary Products

We understand that the additional costs of sanitary products can be difficult at times. If you require any free products please speak to your PA.  

Gym passes

Keeping fit and healthy has lots of benefits. But we know its often expensive to attend health facilities.  As such we are able to provide a gym membership so that you can access Stoke on Trent Leisure centres which includes access to the gym , swimming and more.  Please speak to your PA who can provide more information.

We care about your emotional wellbeing. If you need someone to talk to about how you are feeling we can help to access help and support.


We have funded the Reece Foundation’s  Ask Jan Membership which provides a variety of support if you require emotional health support.

The Ask Jan membership includes:

  • ​A 24-hour counselling helpline with access to a BACP accredited counsellor up to 8 face to face counselling sessions where assessed and agreed by the counsellor Personal finance advice – mortgages, pensions, insurance, debt, and savings
  • Nutrition, exercise, stress and wellbeing advice
  • Specialist advice helplines including housing, legal and citizens advice 8am to 8pm
  • Access to an enhanced wellbeing App My Possible Self
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy – available online or via the App
  • Discounts and special offers on days out and activities with The Max Card
  • Access to all other Rees Foundation projects.

If you are interested in the ASK JAN services please speak to your PA.

Other support services

There are times when we all struggle to manage our mental health. You may be feeling low, anxious, stressed or depressed. You could be low in mood, struggling to cope or suffering sleeplessness.

Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Talking Therapies  provide free and confidential talking call 03003030923

Asking for help and support if often the hardest step but remember there is nothing to worry about. Your PA is always at hand to help you.

Sexual Health

If you need any support with your sexual health talk to your PA and they will help you to access the services that you need. You can also talk to your GP. If  you don’t feel comfortable asking for help you can get more information from Cobridge Sexual Health Clinic which is located at Church Terrance, Cobridge Stoke on Trent ST6 2JN.

Your sexual health matter to us, as such Cobridge Sexual health Clinic offer same day appointments for our care leavers. Please speak to your PA or let the clinic know that you are care leaver.

If you are having sex or thinking about it, please protect yourself against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Personal Advisers are able to give out condoms, so please take the opportunity and ask. 


Local LGBT+ Services in Stoke-on-Trent provide information and advice on sexual health and LGBT+ topics

LGBT Stoke is a support service created especially for the LGBT+ community in Stoke-on-Trent.

LGBT+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. The plus is added to include other gender identities and sexualities. Use the link to visit their website for more information LGBT Stoke

Substance misuse

Stoke-on-Trent Community Drug & Alcohol Service is a free service commissioned by Stoke-on-Trent City Council. It is a partnership service made up of three organisations; We Are With You, BAC O’Connor and North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust. 

It has joined forces in Stoke-on-Trent to help people improve their lives by reducing the negative impact that drugs and alcohol can have on people and communities.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with the impact of drugs or alcohol then they are there to help you. It offers support to adults, young people, carers, partners and families who live in Stoke-on-Trent to make a positive and sustainable change to their lives and the community they live in.

Call SCDAS on 01782 283113 or visit the website www.scdas.org.uk

We can support you to access substance misuse (drug and alcohol) support if you need it. Talk to your PA and they can help you to access advice, information, drop-in services, structured treatment, counselling and/or harm reduction techniques.