Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Education, employment and training

Education is a top priority for young people in today’s world and that is why we want to support you to stay in education for as long as you need and want to. There are many different options for learning and its important that you think about what you want to do in the future and what support you will need to get there.

We are committed to supporting you to achieve your very best. Going into higher education and employment can be a difficult time and we want to help you to do this as much as we possibly can.

College and university are not the only options. There are training and apprenticeship schemes that are very popular and can be a good way to learn whilst you earn an income. Your PA has loads of information about the opportunities available to you so it’s important that you take the time and talk it through.

The support we can offer:

  • The virtual school will offer you support and advice until you finish Year 13.
  • Other financial support:
    • We will help you to access the vulnerable Young Person’s bursary which is worth up to £1,200 depending on your circumstances. It is available to most care leavers attending a full-time course. It’s doesn’t need to be paid back. You will get this if you are aged 16-19, you are in care, are a care leaver or claiming certain benefits.
  • We will signpost you to careers advice.
  • CV and interview coaching from our partners, or through the Next Steps Team. We can support you in writing a top-quality application and show you how to best answer interview questions to secure you a position.
  • Support you to explore your work interests via work experience
  • Stoke-on-Trent Council operate a guaranteed interview scheme for all Care Experienced young people applying for employment and apprenticeship posts.
  • We will support wiht bus passes so that you can travel to and from interviews, work experience and jobs, until your first wage or bursary payment.
  • We will help you inform the Job Centre of any changes in your circumstances if you wish.
  • We will provide you guidance to help you maximise financial support linked to education, training or employment.
  • If you have any Special Educational Needs we will make sure that you receive any additional help or support your require and access specialist support such as the SEND offer until 25.
  • We will keep you up to date with forthcoming local job fairs and support you to attend these.
  • We hold events to celebrate your achievements. This may be an annual event or in a personal way, for example the Care Leavers Awards Event of sending you a card.
  • We will provide help obtaining equipment, essential clothing and books to support education, training or employment.
  • We will help you to work closely with your DWP coach so that you can secure employment.
  • Guarenteed interview schemes within the council.
  • If you are in college or training we will support you to buy books and resourses to help you in your progress.
  • We will pay for travel costs to work or training before you receive your first wage.
  • We will help you in buying appropriate clothing to wear to interviews or training courses, including safety equipment.

If you are planning on attending university

We can support you by:

  • Helping you consider your options.
  • Help you sign up for open days, and provide travel support to attend if you need.
  • We will support with costs to attend universtiy open days.
  • Complete UCAS applications.
  • Complete student finance forms.
  • Help you search for and support you to apply for scholarships and additional bursaries you may be entitled to.
  • We will also assist you to secure and fund vocation accommodation during your course.
  • We will offer financial suport during the length of the course you are studying. This will be a bursary of £15,000 over the length of your course, depending on attendance and engagement. It is paid in equal monthly installments over the length of your degree. You will also receive a statutory bursary of £2000 which is paid at the start of each academic term in equal installments over the length of your degree.
  • When you graduate, we will support with the rental costs of academic dress, i.e. the cap and gown.
  • As an incentive to continue with your course or training we will offer you the choice of a smart phone or tablet . The incentive is applicable to those care leavers aged 18 and 19. You will receive your choice of device after you have completed 6 months of your course or training. All courses and training must be full time.