Housing online services

Please be aware you will be unable to access your housing online account due to system maintenance. We appreciate your patience whilst we make necessary updates and hope to have access available ASAP.


This page will provide you with information on what financial assistance is available to you. The amount of money you get depends on your age and where you live. Being able to manage your money is important when moving to independence. If you don’t know how to budget and spend your money wisely, then you may struggle when you live on your own.

You have told us that you don’t always feel prepared for leaving care. We want to change that so have developed a training package called the ‘independence programme’. It’s a series of modules to help you prepare for independence. Your carer’s or placement staff will help you to complete the modules so that you are more prepared to leave care.

Its super important that you complete Stoke’s independence Programme prior to leaving. You have told us that you don’t always feel prepared for leaving care. We want to change that so have developed a training package called the ‘independence programme’. It’s a series of modules to help you prepare for independence. Your carer’s or placement staff will help you to complete the modules so that you are more prepared to leave care.

To help you prepare for independent living and budgeting we have a training flat that you can stay for up to 3 weeks. This will give you the chance to find out what it is really like living on your own. During this time you will be able to practice budgeting, cleaning and maintain your daily routine without someone living with you. Don’t worry you will still receive a lot of support which will be agreed before you go into the training flat, as part of your training flat support.

We will help you to apply for welfare benefits that you are entitled to. This is constantly changing and so the best place to look for the latest information is www.gov.uk. We will need your help to help us to support you to make your claim for benefits. But want we really want is for you to remain in education , training or employment.

You really need to attend all your appointments at the Jobcentre and engage with your Work Coach. If you don’t, it is likely to lead to problems with your claim and benefits not being paid. If this happens, we will support you to do what you need to get your benefits and consider practical assistance.

Claims for Universal Credit can be started one month before your 18th birthday. Universal credit is a single monthly payment for those in or out of work. There are two parts to it – a payment to you for your living expenses and a payment to help you pay your rent. The rent part must be paid to your landlord.

If you are entitled to additional benefits because you have a disability, your DWP coach can be helpful and advice about claiming disability benefits.

If you are unable to claim benefits (not legally entitled to claim benefits) then we will offer you a weekly living allowance. This payment will be the equivalent to state benefits. You will be expected to use this for your living costs in the same way you would your benefits. Ideally, these payments will be made directly into your bank account.

Sharefound ISA

If you have been in care for 12 months or more you will have had an amount of money put in on your behalf. You can access this once you turn 18yrs. You can find out more about the savings scheme on the ShareFound website. Your PA will also support you to access your savings.

Leaving care grant

You are entitled to a Leaving Care Grant. This is a grant to help you to set up your first home. It is used to buy essential items. If your 18th birthday is after April 2023, your Leaving Care Grant has been increased to £3000. Your PA will help you to purchase the items you need.

Council tax exemption

You are entitled to council tax exemption if you live in Stoke on Trent. We will support you to claim all eligible council tax benefits and reductions. This is called an exemption which is for all former relevant young people aged 18yrs to their 25th birthday. This only applies to young people who are named as legally responsible for the payment of Council Tax.

A reduction on your water bills with Severn Trent, who can offer up to 70% off for care experienced young people.

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, your UC Job Coach will help you with accessing the TalkTalk Broadband Offer via the DWP

Birthday and festival allowance

It’s important to us that we celebrate your milestone birthdays and special festivals with you. You will receive a birthday card and a £20 voucher for your 18th, and a £25 for your 21st. We will also send you a card on your 19th and 20th birthdays.

If you are aged 16 and 17 and living in supported accommodation you will receive £100 voucher at Christmas or another important festival such as EID. Up until your 21st birthday all care leavers will receive £25 Christmas or alterative festival voucher.

Our local care leavers charity Symmetrical also provides financial advice