Planning a Centenary or VE Day celebration?
We’ve got you covered… Approved applications for road closures won't need to pay the usual advertisement fee.
You must email with your road closure application by 18 April.
For more information on road closures connected to the Centenary or VE Day, click the link below:
Apply to close or manage traffic on the highway
All types of works and activities require traffic management in one form or another dependent on the nature of the works and/or the nature of the highway. Traffic management can vary between Chapter 8 signing and guarding, traffic controls or even full road closures. In all cases, traffic management must be sited, maintained and removed by qualified personnel and if unqualified, permit applicants should contract out this duty to organisations qualified and resourced to do so.
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO)
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is made by the highway authority under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, when it is necessary to prohibit or control vehicular and / or pedestrian traffic along the highway. The highway authority can make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order to cover planned situations, or we can issue a Temporary Notice if regulation is needed without delay.
A full TTRO will require 12 weeks’ notice.
Temporary Notices (TTRN)
Where urgent action is needed the highway authority may issue a temporary notice imposing a short-term closure or restriction. By the nature of the requirement, prior notice is not necessary.
The notice is limited to 5 days duration if there is no risk of danger or damage to the road, persons or property. There are no extensions to these notices and Section 74 charges will apply if the restriction is still required on day 6. The applicant must consider whether a 5-day duration is sufficient and if there is any doubt, a full traffic order should be applied for instead.
In cases where an emergency notice is not required but a 5-day notice is applicable, it is preferable that two weeks’ notice is given to the Network Activities Team, allowing enough time to agree a diversion route, agree signage and provide some advance warning to affected properties.
Events held on or affecting the Public Highway
There are many activities undertaken on our highways including works for utility companies, works to maintain the highway itself and events such as parades, markets, festivals and street parties. Additionally, there are break downs, accidents and other incidents involving the emergency services where the road is closed at short notice.
In order for an event to be successful and to enable event visitors to get to and from the event quickly and safely whilst causing the minimum disruption possible to themselves and others, we need to know about it.
In addition to the TTRO the authority does offer an events package, this package will include the cost of the order and a quotation for the supply of traffic management, due to varying event sizes and needs this price will be provided on application.
To request an application form or if you have any queries please contact
Note: Applications to switch off pedestrian crossing and permanent traffic signals is separate to this application.
The following fees may apply for this licence type:
Emergency Temporary Traffic Order. Must be notified within 2 hours. |
£800.00 |
5 Day Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice (Minor Works Only) |
£1,300.00 |
Full Temporary Traffic Order. Standard lead in time 12 weeks. (Standard/Major Works) |
£1,800.00 |
Events Traffic Regulation Order only |
£500.00 |
Events Package – Includes TTRO and supply of traffic management and labour. |