2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

More information

Booth Street

In this section

  1. Have your say
  2. FAQs


What are you proposing to build?

The proposals are for a mix of high-quality apartments for local residents.  The current designs show 57 apartments, across four storeys, and 20 houses.

Who can live in the newly-developed homes?

The homes will be allocated to applicants from the council’s housing register and in line with the council’s Allocations Policy, where an applicant’s specific need for this type of accommodation will be taken into consideration.    

What stage is the development at?

A planning application is being prepared and will be submitted imminently once feedback from residents has been collated.

When would the work start and be completed?

If planning permission is granted, work could start as early as Spring 2025 and last for around two years.

How much will this cost and who is paying for it?

The development will be paid for by the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme and supported by retained Right to Buy Council receipts.

Where will the new residents park?

A new parking area will be created specifically for the provision of the new dwellings only. In total there will be 68 spaces. 

Will the development make the traffic worse?

A Transport Assessment will be completed to inform the development plans and will be submitted to support the planning application.

Will my house be overlooked?

All new homes will comply with statutory overlooking guidelines as directed by the planning department and contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Why did you demolish the existing buildings?

The former buildings had become redundant and surplus to requirements and at risk of attracting anti-social behaviour.

Will the apartment block have communal facilities and staff on site?

There are no communal facilities within the block and there are no intentions for the block to be staffed. The blocks will be secure and managed by Stoke-on-Trent City Council.