Housing online services

Please be aware you will be unable to access your housing online account due to system maintenance. We appreciate your patience whilst we make necessary updates and hope to have access available ASAP.

Homeless or at risk?

Other organisations that can help

Rents, arrears, eviction and general housing advice

Harassment and illegal eviction (private tenants only)

Benefits advice

Domestic abuse

Hostels /  Supported accommodation providers

Rough sleeping

Homelessness Forum

A group of organisations that meet quarterly to discuss homelessness and rough sleeping in the city. If you would like to join please contact: AccommodationCommissioning@stoke.gov.uk.

Homelessness Reduction Board

A group of senior officers from a wide variety of partners providing strategic leadership to prevent homelessness and end rough sleeping in the city. If you would like to join please contact: AccommodationCommissioning@stoke.gov.uk.