Homeless or at risk?

Pledge your support to the Homelessness Charter

Every individual and organisation signing up to this charter agrees that everyone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless should have a right to:

  • A safe, secure home along with an appropriate level of support to create a good quality of life and wellbeing
  • Respect and a good standard of service everywhere
  • A voice and involvement in determining the solutions to their own issues, to homelessness generally, and in wider society
  • Tell their own story, be listened to, feel that their experience is valued and not be stigmatised through being homeless
  • Safety from violence, abuse, theft and discrimination, and the full protection of the law
  • Recognition that homelessness and rough sleeping are often symptoms of long-term trauma and multiple disadvantage requiring a coordinated approach that puts the person at the centre of the solution
  • Equality of access to information and services
  • Equality of opportunity to employment, training, volunteering, leisure and creative activities

Click here to read the full Homelessness Charter

Click here to pledge your support to the Homelessness Charter


Pledges received...

“ Brighter Futures Housing Association is happy to pledge our support to the Homelessness Charter. We are committed to continuing to work in partnership with the City of Stoke-on-Trent Council and other key partners in proactively addressing homelessness and the causes of homelessness within the city.

Brighter Futures will diligently and sensitively engage with those who are sleeping on the streets through our rough sleeper outreach services, which we will continue to deliver every day of the year. We will proactively work with homeless customers to find accommodation that meets their needs and support them to break the cycle of homelessness. We will continue to provide good quality temporary and longer term supported housing accommodation for those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Through our housing pathway we will provide flexibility of accommodation offer and levels of support to help ensure our customers can sustain their tenancies. We will adopt the pre-eviction protocol so that we consider with partners all alternative housing options or interventions to prevent our customers from return to homelessness.

Our specialist mental health, tenancy sustainment and women’s outreach services will continue to provide additional support and engagement with our customers to ensure we address the root causes that have contributed to their homelessness and provide a structured focus on a future of hope and possibility.”

(Daniel Baker, Director of Operations, Brighter Futures Housing Association)

“The city council will aim to keep rent arrears to a minimum by operating a firm but fair approach to provide tenants in arrears with sound advice, offer practical, affordable repayment plans and minimise evictions. Our processes have been designed around a preventative approach that seeks to maximise tenants’ income, ensure Housing Benefit / Universal Credit housing element is correctly assessed, and ensure payments are made when due. Emphasis will be placed on early intervention whilst arrears are at a relatively low level in order to prevent the escalation of arrears.

Evictions will only be considered as a last resort where all other alternatives for recovering amounts owed have failed…and we believe that individuals are choosing not to pay rather than can’t pay.

Support and advice will be made available by the council to try to prevent someone losing their home, individual Personal Housing Plans agreed and shared where eviction is likely to have to be considered. A referral can be made to the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) where a tenant requires debt advice.”

(Councillor Carl Edwards, Cabinet Member for Housing and Environment, Stoke-on-Trent City Council)


“We will increase and enhance our provision to support those with multiple and complex needs and who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.”

(Anna Wilcox, Director of Services, Saltbox)


“We can provide lived experience advice and guidance also volunteering opportunities for people who are experiencing homelessness to gain work skills and be involved in a national movement.”

(Darren Murinas, Chief Executive, Expert Citizens)


“We commit to supporting the Charter by engaging fully in the homelessness forum and homelessness reduction board and any future homelessness summits. Working in partnership with other organisations to continue to address and improve the lives of people in Stoke who are faced with homelessness or the threat of homelessness.”

(Ann Ewens, Chief Executive Officer, Gingerbread)


“We commit to supporting the Charter by ensuring a focus on homelessness prevention (alongside existing homelessness) and the broad spectrum of homelessness – from sofa surfing to sleeping on the street.

Have close working relationships with local housing authority, local housing providers and homelessness organisations in Stoke on Trent area to understand the housing support available and develop a joined-up approach to tackling homelessness.

Ensure Jobcentre colleagues have up to date information on local housing support and supply employment opportunities and other support for homeless people/rough sleepers.

Ensure operational colleagues support homeless people/rough sleepers to make their claim to Universal Credit.

Encourage use of Alternative Payment Arrangements to safeguard accommodation and easements to prevent unnecessary sanctions.

Increase awareness of the challenges facing rough sleepers when applying for Universal Credit and the support we have in place to enable a claim to be made. Promote awareness of the duty to refer in all jobcentres in North Staffordshire and what it means for work coaches and claimants.”

(Jo Reilly, Senior Partnership Manager, Department of Work and Pensions)

“We commit to supporting the Charter by delivering on our mission to breaking barriers, building people and bettering homes.

Through our brands Staffs Housing, Revival, Glow and Concrete, we will make sure everyone in the areas we work in can access and maintain a happy home of their own.

We will partner with housing and service providers across the City to tackle the root causes that prevent people from securing and sustaining a home of their own.

We will: - Provide high quality, safe and secure homes - Prevent homelessness by supporting people to keep their home and give them the skills to live independently - Successfully lead and deliver homeless services with partners - Prevent homelessness by educating and raising awareness in schools, businesses and communities”

(Melanie Dunn, Director of Support and Wellbeing, Concrete)


“Providing supported accommodation for the homeless community”

(Karl Brunt, Service Manager, Creating Change Housing Management)


“Everyone should feel comfortable getting the support they need with drug or alcohol challenges. At CDAS, we provide a free, confidential and friendly service to anyone living across Stoke-on-Trent - this includes adults, young people, and families.”

(Andreia Carrazedo, Head of Service Delivery, Stoke-on-Trent Community Drug and Alcohol Service)


“The Macari Foundation commits to support the Homeless Charter, working in conjunction with Stoke-on-Trent City Council and other organisations in the continuing battle against homelessness. The service users we support are referred to as ‘guests’, which defines the relationship we wish to achieve. Our guests have access to support from our team of trained staff, 24 hours a day. We firmly believe that our guests are capable of change and will achieve their full potential when offered a secure, supportive, empowering and non-judgmental environment. It is our mission to always provide such an environment and help reverse the spiral of homelessness.”

(Paul Macari, Trustee, The Macari Foundation)