Homeless or at risk?

Homelessness Charter


That all residents and organisations within Stoke-on-Trent work together to prevent homelessness and ensure that no one is forced to sleep rough in the city.


Every individual and organisation signing up to this charter agrees that everyone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless should have a right to:

  • A safe, secure home along with an appropriate level of support to create a good quality of life and wellbeing
  • Respect and a good standard of service everywhere
  • A voice and involvement in determining the solutions to their own issues, to homelessness generally, and in wider society
  • Tell their own story, be listened to, feel that their experience is valued and not be stigmatised through being homeless
  • Safety from violence, abuse, theft and discrimination, and the full protection of the law
  • Recognition that homelessness and rough sleeping are often symptoms of long-term trauma and multiple disadvantage requiring a coordinated approach that puts the person at the centre of the solution
  • Equality of access to information and services
  • Equality of opportunity to employment, training, volunteering, leisure and creative activities


We call on all residents of Stoke-on-Trent, the city council, healthcare and other public sector services, charities, faith groups, businesses, institutions and other organisations in the city to sign this charter and make a pledge setting out what you will do to help achieve our vision.

How you can help:


If you see someone sleeping rough, please report this to the city council on 0800 970 2304 or by contacting https://www.streetlink.org.uk/ or support one of the local agencies by volunteering to help homeless people in the city.


  • Make preventing homelessness and tackling rough sleeping part of your corporate responsibility
  • Provide volunteering, training and employment opportunities for people recovering from homelessness  
  • Promote the charter and homelessness prevention services amongst your employees, customers and clients

Social Landlords

  • Help prevent homelessness by signing up to the National Housing Federation’s Commitment’s to Refer and Housing Associations Evictions Statement. Sign up by clicking the links below:

Commitment to Refer

Housing Associations Evictions Statement

  • Make your tenants are aware of services available in the city if they get into difficulties. Click here to view these services
  • Work with the City Council and our partners to provide homes for rough sleepers and homeless households

Private Landlords

Health Providers and other Public Bodies

  • Join our Homelessness Forum or Homelessness Reduction Board to discuss homelessness/rough sleeping along with providing strategic leadership to prevent homelessness.
  • Check whether you have a Duty to Refer households who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Click here to visit our portal and contact us.
  • Ensure homeless people can access your services and provide training for staff on the charter and rights of homeless people.
  • Think about whether services and budgets can be aligned to deliver the vision and values of this Charter.

Community or Faith Based Groups

  • Let us know about the services you provide.
  • Join our Homelessness Forum. The forum meets quarterly to discuss homelessness and rough sleeping in the area.
  • Share and promote the services available in the city for people facing homelessness or rough sleeping. Click here to find a list of local services.

Pledge your support to the Homelessness Charter