2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

More information

Apply for a council house

If you are currently living in unsuitable accommodation, we may offer to meet you for a full housing needs assessment and the option to join the council’s active housing register.

You will be asked exactly what you are looking for, including where you want to live, what type and size of property you need and what type of landlord you prefer (council, registered provider or private landlord). This will help to find the most suitable property for you.

What type of property could I have?

Household type Number of bedrooms
Single person or couple age over 60 one bedroom (two bedrooms may be considered in cases of medical need)
Single person under 60 one bedroom
Couple, both under 60 one bedroom
Pregnant women (with or without a partner two bedrooms
Families with one child under 18 two bedrooms
Families with two children of the same sex where both children are under 16 two bedrooms
Families with two children under 16 of the opposite sex, where the older child is over ten three bedrooms
Families with two children of the same sex where the eldest child is over 16 three bedrooms