Elections 2024

A general election has been called for Thursday 4 July 2024. This is your opportunity to choose a local MP as a representative for Stoke-on-Trent, North, South and Central.

Find out more about the general election and how to vote here...


Images are kept for 31 days unless they are need for evidence by Staffordshire Police or other law enforcement agencies. After 31 days they are automatically erased.

Contact us if you or your insurer needs to request CCTV footage of yourself. 

If you would like CCTV installed in your area

You can write to request a new CCTV camera. E-mail your request to cctv@stoke.gov.uk. You will need to tell us why you think a camera is needed and what the benefits would be. As we do not fund the costs of installing a new camera, we need to know who would pay for it.