Burslem public realm consultation

Burslem public realm work

Burslem has been allocated £1.25 million from the Levelling Up Programme for improvements to its public realm. The proposed improvements will be carried out along Queen Street which is home to a number of listed buildings. The aims of the scheme are:

  • To provide a more attractive environment and encourage more people into Burslem town centre
  • To support existing businesses and improve business confidence and investment in the town centre
  • To improve civic pride and the setting of existing listed buildings such as the Wedgwood Institute and Burslem School of Art
  • To improve pedestrian routes into the town centre from new housing developments to the south and east

The proposed public realm work will focus on the Queen Street area, which is the location of several Listed Buildings including Burslem School of Art and the Wedgwood Institute.

The scheme will improve the historic Conservation Area with natural stone paving and new tree planting to create an attractive environment, encouraging more people into the town centre.

Burslem Public Realm supporting document