Christmas opening times

Find out more about what services are available over the Christmas period including bin collections and the opening times of tips, leisure centres and other facilities.

Christmas opening times

Conservation Areas

Information about conservation areas

Stoke-on-Trent has 23 conservation areas, each of which has been designated by the local planning authority in recognition of its special architectural character and/or historic interest.

The purpose of a conservation area is to protect and manage the essential elements that make such places unique and distinctive. This is achieved through the use of additional planning controls and considerations, including, in some circumstances, special restrictions on permitted development rights known as Article 4 Directions.

The value placed on the distinctiveness and character of conservation areas is reflected in the price of properties situated within them. Research indicates that properties within conservation areas generally cost more and appreciate in price than those in other areas.

Conservation areas may also sometimes qualify for heritage-focused funding streams.

Useful information on conservation areas can be seen on Historic England’s website: What Is a Conservation Area? | Historic England.