Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

I need planning advice

In this section

  1. I need planning advice
  2. Pre-application fees

We provide a pre-application advice service and encourage potential applicants to discuss their scheme/plans with planning officers before submission.

This is an important part of the planning process and helps to ensure applicants have an understanding throughout the process. All appplicants will receive a confidential chat with a planning officer about their project idea and will receive tailored advice on planning policies, processes, and address any potential hurdles. 

Where applications for development have not taken the pre-application advice service, there has often been hurdles that could have been avoided if discussed with a planning officer. Hurdles/delays can impact the council's ability to make positive decisions within the statutory timeframes and can result in more refusals. This will increase costs by needing to re-apply.

Please note: Pre-applications advice doesn't guarantee approval, but it helps you navigate the process smoothly, reducing the risks associated with development proposals. While discussions are confidential, they may be subject to Freedom of Information requests under specific circumstances.

Our services are tailored to the varying nature and complexity of development proposals.

How to apply

All requests must be made in writing using the below form.

Download the pre-application enquiry request form

Completed forms, along with accompanying plans, photographs or other supporting information should be sent to

Please note that we will not start work on your request until the appropriate fee has been received. 

Payments can be made here. Planning Payments and advice | Instructions (


Please be aware that any advice provided by the council's officers is an informal opinion and based on the information provided/available at that time. Advice is given in good faith and without prejudice to any formal determination which may be given in the event of an application being submitted.

Alternatively, customers can seek their own independent advice by going to one of the following links:

The RTPI Directory of Planning Consultants

RTPI | Planning Advice