Procurement Act 2023

Changes to public procurement: What suppliers need to know

Significant changes to public procurement law came into effect on Monday 24 February 2025, with the introduction of the Procurement Act 2023 and the Procurement Regulations 2024. These new rules replace the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for all new procurement activities starting after this date.

What's changing?

The new legislation aims to improve how we purchase supplies, services, and works. This means changes to the way we and our suppliers operate.

Key actions for suppliers:

  • Understand the impact: We strongly encourage all suppliers to familiarise themselves with the new legislation and understand how it may affect your business and future dealings with the council.
  • Register on the Central Digital Platform (CDP): A key change is the requirement for all bidders to register on the government's Central Digital Platform. This platform will store your business details and generate a unique identifier. You must provide this identifier in your tender submissions so we can access your information.
  • Stay informed: Access the resources below to learn about the new procedures, transparency measures, and early market engagement opportunities.

Helpful resources:

Existing contracts:

  • Existing contracts held with the council will continue under their current terms until their end date. You do not need to take any action for these contracts.
  • However, the councils two Dynamic Purchasing Systems will be terminated early, and will end no later than February 2029.
  • Any procurement processes started before 24 February 2025 will continue under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.