Stoke public realm consultation

Stoke Public Realm work

Stoke Town has been allocated £250,000 from the Levelling Up Programme for improvements to the public realm. The improvements are proposed to be carried out along South Wolfe Street which is home to Stoke Library and Stoke Indoor Market.

The aims of the scheme are:

  • To create a more attractive environment and encourage more people into Stoke Town Centre.
  • To create a Town Square outside the library which provides a better venue for the events and festivals which take place in the town. 
  •  To support existing businesses and increase footfall to the indoor market.
  • To improve civic pride and create a focal space for the town encouraging more events and activities.

Stoke Public Realm supporting document

If you would like to have your say on the proposals, please fill in the survey below.

Alternatively, you can drop-in and speak to the team at:

Stoke Indoor Market – Friday 7 March (10am-4pm) and Saturday 8 March (10am-2pm)

Stoke Public Realm online survey

The deadline for responses is Sunday 23 March 2025.