Station Road

On Station Road, including Winton Square, plans include attractive new public realm to enhance the stunning Grade ll* Listed buildings, including Stoke-on-Trent rail station buildings surrounding the square, and will provide a sense of arrival. To make best use of this space, it has been proposed that the Josiah Wedgwood Statue is moved to a more prominent location just outside of the station entrance.
Station Road will benefit from priority access for buses with a bus gate at Winton Square, helping to reduce traffic flow. The short stay parking outside Federation House and parking bays outside Winton Square will be replaced with spaces in Car Park 1, next to the Royal Mail sorting office.
The plans include new bus stops and shelters in Station Road showing real-time passenger information, improved parking in Car Parks 1,2 and 3 at the front and rear of the station with drop-off and pick-up facilities for station users. Wider footways and pedestrian crossings at key locations will allow easy access to the station.