Frequently asked questions
Each year we issue new council tax bills to all domestic properties in the city. You'll receive this by post, unless you have signed up to paperless billing in which case you will get an E-mail from us.
We know that our residents can have questions about their bill, so we've provided answers to some frequently asked questions here so you don't need to spend time calling us.
When will my bill arrive?
We will start to post annual Council Tax bills from Monday 10th March. Due to the large amount of bills we have to send out (around 115,000), these will be staggered throughout the following week. Therefore your bill will arrive at any time between 14 March and 21 March.
If you're signed up to paperless billing, your e-bill will arrive in your inbox by Tuesday 11 March.
How do I sign up for e-billing?
Take a look at our paperless billing page for more information.
I’ve signed up for paperless e-billing, will I receive a paper copy of my bill?
No, you will receive an email notification advising you that your bill is ready to view. You will need to sign into your MyStoke account and access your council tax account.
How do I pay my bill?
We have a range of payment options and dates to suit you. Bills can be spread weekly, fortnightly or monthly (over 10 or 12 months). The back of your bill will tell you all the ways you can pay. More information on payment options is also available here.
If you pay by direct debit
If you already pay by Direct Debit, you don’t need to do anything – we will continue to collect payments on the date shown on your bill.
How do I set up a Direct Debit to pay my council tax?
If you wish to set up a Direct Debit for someone else, you will need to fill in a Council Tax Direct Debit mandate form and send it back to us.
Council tax Direct Debit mandate
Can I pay on a different day of the month?
Direct Debits can be taken weekly on Mondays, fortnightly on Fridays or monthly (10 or 12 payments) on the 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th or 28th. We also offer six monthly and annually Direct Debit plans.
You can amend the date or frequency of your Direct Debit using our online portal and selecting Direct Debit services
All other payments (cash, card, online over the phone) can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly (10 or 12 payments) on the 1st, 15th, 20th, or 28th of the month, as well as six monthly and annually.
Do I need to complete a new Direct Debit each year?
Direct Debits continue year to year, so you don't need to do anything - we will collect your new instalments on the date shown. If your balance changes, we will automatically notify your bank of the new amount. We'll also tell you about any change at least 10 working days before we request a payment.
Please note, if you pay by Standing Order instead of Direct Debit, you will need to notify your bank of your new instalments to change the amount you pay.
My account is in credit, can I request a refund?
You can request a refund of your Council Tax here, if you have overpaid.
My bill has arrears for the previous year, are these included in the current instalments?
If you've just had your new bill and it shows a balance brought forward from the previous year, please bear in mind that the bills are produced between 5th and 7th March. This means that anything you've paid since 4th March will not be shown.
Your new annual bill will only show payments received up to 3rd March There will be a memorandum note at the bottom of each bill that has a balance outstanding for 2024/25 which will say… "As at 3rd March your 2024/25 account balance is xxx…"
Any payments received from 4th March to 6th should be showing on the system on Friday 7th March.
If you do have arrears, these will not be included in your new instalments. It is important that these are paid in full before 31st March 2025 to avoid court proceedings being taken.
My bill shows that I have court proceedings, but I’ve made an arrangement to pay already.
If you’ve received a summons, have a special payment arrangement in place or have contacted us to arrange payment, then all you have to do is continue with your agreed arrangement. You will also need to pay the new instalments on your new annual bill.
I’m on a low income, how do I apply for Council Tax Support?
Depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to some help. You can find out more about Council Tax Support and Housing Benefit here, including a calculator to see if you’re eligible.
Do I need to re-apply for my discount, exemption or benefit?
If you currently have a discount, exemption or claim Council Tax Support we’ll automatically apply this to your new bill. You do not need to re-apply. However, you must tell us within 21 days of any change in your circumstances that may affect the amount of Council Tax you’re liable to pay or how much benefit / discount you’re entitled to.
Why does my bill not show my discount or exemption?
This may be because we've not been informed about your circumstances or we've not received your details in time to update your bill. If you believe you're entitled to a discount or exemption, find out if you're eligible here.
Why is the Adult Social Precept not showing on my bill?
Government legislation has changed for 2025/26 and we no longer have to break down the Adult social care precept on the bills. The overall Stoke-on-Trent City Council charge includes a 2% increase to fund Adult social care.
The Stoke-on-Trent City Council percentage increase figure is too high
The Stoke-on-Trent City Council percentage increase is worked out based on the overall charge last year for Stoke-on-Trent City Council and adult social care precepts added together, and then adding 4.99% to this figure. More information is available here
Why has my bill increased?
Stoke-on-Trent City Council, The Police and Crime Commissioner and Staffordshire Fire Authority have increased their charges for 2025/2026. The city council's element also includes a precept to fund adult social care. For more information, please refer to the full Council Tax booklet. Other reasons could be a change in your discounts or benefits if you're in receipt of them.
How much has my bill gone up by?
A percentage breakdown of how your bill has increased will be shown on the front of your bill. For more information, please refer to the full Council Tax booklet which can be downloaded here.
I’ve changed address, why has my bill been sent to my old house?
We will send your bill to the last correspondence address we had for you at the time your new bill was generated. If you’ve moved since, you can tell us about your change of address here.
Is my Council Tax band correct?
Properties are placed into Council Tax bands by the Valuation Office Agency. You can check to see if your property is correctly banded on their website.
I’ve appealed against my Council Tax band, do I still have to pay my instalments as stated?
You must continue to pay as you’ve been billed until notified otherwise.
If you’ve overpaid at any point, you’ll be entitled to a refund. More information about how to appeal against your Council Tax banding can be found on the Valuation Office Agency’s website.
How can I contact you if I still have a question about my bill?
If you can’t find the information that you’re looking for, or still need to speak to us about your bill, you can contact the Council Tax team by logging into your council tax account here. Once logged in, you will be able to:
- view your up to date account information
- check your balance, payments and bills
- switch to paperless billing
- update your contact details
- manage your direct debit
- tell us you or a tenant has moved home
- upload documents or evidence
More information about how to get in touch with us about your council bill can be found here.