Elections 2024

A general election has been called for Thursday 4 July 2024. This is your opportunity to choose a local MP as a representative for Stoke-on-Trent, North, South and Central.

Find out more about the general election and how to vote here...

Get help paying your council tax

Council tax support

Council tax support helps you to pay your bill if you are unemployed or on a low income.

The amount of council tax support you receive is deducted from your council tax bill. 

Apply for council tax support 

Council tax hardship relief

To qualify for council tax hardship relief you must:

  • be a council tax payer
  • be suffering severe financial difficulties and unable to pay your council tax
  • be suffering severe financial difficulties because of an extreme event or natural disaster, for which there is no existing help towards paying your council tax

Apply for council tax hardship relief