Elections 2024

A general election has been called for Thursday 4 July 2024. This is your opportunity to choose a local MP as a representative for Stoke-on-Trent, North, South and Central.

Find out more about the general election and how to vote here...

Assessments for adults who are elderly or have a disability and carers

In this section

  1. Assessments for adults who are elderly or have a disability and carers
  2. Who has to pay?
  3. Who has to pay for a care home place?

There is help available for people in the city who are vulnerable, elderly or have disabilities, and their carers.

We can give you information about support available in your area and throughout Staffordshire.  

If your needs cannot be met by information and advice, you may be entitled to social care support. This is decided by a social care needs assessment - a discussion to give us a deeper look into your care needs.    

If you qualify, the type of social care support you receive will be agreed by you and your worker. Your support will be reviewed after 12 weeks and then every year afterwards. You can ask for a review at any time if you feel things have changed.

You will have choice and control over how and when it takes place and who you would like supporting you.

Support available includes:

  • Direct Payments: you are given the money which would be spent on your care and you spent it (with certain restrictions) in the way you feel would best help you
  • home help: when care workers visit people in their own home to give them the help they need with things like washing or dressing
  • respite care: a short stay in a residential or nursing home or day care, to give you or the people looking after you a break
  • day centres where you can meet people in your area and be involved in group activities
  • alarms and pendants
  • support to get your living skills, confidence and independence back after an illness or hospital stay
  • retirement villages and supported living
  • residential care homes which offers 24-hour support to ensure basic personal care needs are met
  • nursing homes which offer the same as residential care but with 24-hour nursing care 

Call the number below to start an assessment or ask for advice.